Twelve Days by Heidi Glick

Twelve Days by Heidi Glick

Author:Heidi Glick [Glick, Heidi]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Mystery & Detective, Christian Fiction, .ISBNincl
ISBN: 9781522304364
Publisher: Pelican Book Group
Published: 2023-10-09T00:00:00+00:00


Sunday, December 15

The next morning, Scott slipped into a back pew at church. Why does my mind keep drifting? He grabbed a pen from his Bible cover and forced himself to take notes. When the pastor finished his sermon, Scott strode toward the exit.

Once he got back home, he turned on his TV and flipped through the local news channels. Every station spoke about the Christmas Killer. The news of the recent slayings had eclipsed the trial of Cole’s killer for a moment.

A breaking news story? What’s this? Scott turned up the volume. A man claimed to have been kidnapped and shot by the Christmas Killer, yet he had survived and ran away? But the man couldn’t remember the exact location where he’d been because his kidnapper had drugged him before shooting him? It’s a miracle he’s alive. Why him and not Cole? What about Lindsay?

Yesterday, seven swans. What was number eight? Maids a milking. There were a lot of barns in the area. Which one was the killer using?

Because the sheriff’s office still had his phone, Scott contacted his cell carrier to see if he had received any new messages. Just one.


Scott’s pulse raced. Should he call Peter? Surely, the sheriff’s office was monitoring his phone, but still… I want in on the action. He buried his face in his hands. First, he couldn’t save Cole. So he’d quit. And now, because he’d quit, he couldn’t save Lindsay.

Before Scott could continue his self-loathing, his landline rung. “Scott. It’s Dan. Wade Billings is in custody. He’s confessed to the killings and kidnappings. He promised to tell us where the others are in exchange for a plea deal.”

Scott’s hand trembled as he gripped the receiver. “Is Lindsay alive?”

“Yes, and Wade said the others he took are alive, too. But we still need to find them. He says he’ll take us to them in an hour.”

“Why not now?”

Dan sighed and whispered. “Wade wants to talk to the press.” His voice dropped to a faint murmur, “And then wants a pizza.”

“Um, thanks for letting me know.” Scott hung up. A pizza. So like Wade. Figures. “Are you going to threaten to charge him with obstructing justice?”

“He claims his accomplice will harm someone if we don’t comply with his wishes.”

An hour later, Scott flipped on the TV again. Wade released a statement to the press that slammed his dad. Stewart Billing’s attorney issued a counterstatement discrediting Wade and providing an alibi for Wade. He had been in drug rehab during some of the disappearances. The sheriff’s office speculated Wade could be working with someone else. Yeah, right. Still, on camera, Peter was insistent about Wade’s involvement.

Scott drove to the sheriff’s office to retrieve his phone. Now that Wade was in custody, the deputies shouldn’t need it.

On the way home, Scott’s phone chimed. At his house, he checked his cell. A new text message had arrived.


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